Mid-October Update

Hey Everyone!

Please forgive us for our radio silence on the blog recently. We have been busy traveling and getting settled into our fall routines! We hope that everyone has enjoyed the foliage as well as the warm weather we’ve been having in the Northeast. After a brutally humid summer, this beautiful fall has been nice for our gardens and our personal sanity!

We completed our last share distribution in early October, which meant pulling everything up out of the ground to allow our soil to rest.  We have also been busy with the usual fall clean up, and putting things into storage for the winter months ahead. 

Fall is also a time for reflection in terms of evaluating how our current system worked last season. We’ve been planning for the new year and would love any suggestions as to how we can improve upon our shares, blog posts, past Open Houses and anything else!! Another thanks to those who filled out our survey a while back.  There was some great input! Your feedback is much appreciated here at CCF, so keep it coming! : )

Now here are a few updates on our staff! This month Paul is off road tripping out West. He’s encountered lots of snow and some epic views. He will be traveling until November 1st.  Annalise, Nick and Lucas are back in school and are running pretty darn fast on the Queensbury XC team, woohoo!! And as for me (Eliza), I have been studying abroad in Oslo Norway, keeping busy doing a lot of traveling, ski training, and getting a chance to see some amazing sights!

Early November we will be planting our annual fall garlic crop.  This year's crop did very well, so we are looking to get more garlic cloves in the ground this fall in hopes for higher harvest yields next summer!  Not only is garlic a popular and super tasty food, but it also has incredible health benefits (If you missed it, catch up on all of the health benefits of garlic by reading one of our latest blog posts titled, "Why Garlic is your New Best Friend!"). Garlic, along with scallions and bunching onions are some of the few crops that are overwintered in the soil, and emerge from the ground immediately after the frost leaves early spring.

In other fall news, we had a new greenhouse arrive at the farm a couple weeks ago!! The greenhouse is currently being installed, and will be ready to roll by next spring!  This is our fourth greenhouse and is 96 feet in length.  We are super excited to have landed another greenhouse as they make a HUGE difference in the volume of vegetables we can grow.  The heat seeking vegetables such as tomatoes thrive in a greenhouse environment.  Also, with a greenhouse you can control the environment (moisture / humidity, etc.), which makes a big difference in the overall health of the vegetable.  In addition to more tomatoes, we will also be using the new greenhouse for more early season greens such as lettuce and chard!

In closing, our current batch of meat birds will be heading to market around the end of the month.  To those who have signed up, we will be in touch regarding pick up very soon! Additionally, we are still selling our loads and loads of eggs. They cost $3 per dozen. If interested, please either call 518-251-3306 or email paul (paul@cobblecreek.farm), thanks! 

We hope your fall has been kind so far!  Get out and enjoy the colors while they last!


CCF :)


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